
Feet Bananas, Year 1 Photography Competition!

Artsy Bananas

I was asked recently to write a guest blog by my friends at fairandfunky for their website to be published during Fairtrade Fortnight which starts today, 24th February. The focus of Fairtrade Fortnight 2014 is bananas! This set my mind a-reminiscing….

Cheryl & window wide

Photo shoot with Kate Fisher Photography

Kate takes pictures of many occasions and events, and is particularly skilled at sports action, gardens, weddings…and now of course enthusiastic composers at work in art galleries! Contact her for more information, and to have a look at some more of her shots, visit her website.

orange sea cropped

Song Stories: Robinson Crusoe

It’s someone less fortunate than us….in gentle ballad form. He does has a delightful descant to sing in the last chorus, mind you – so all is not grim for the lonely castaway.

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Poem: Camels

It’s camels…with kings on their backs! If you pretend to be a camel and you’re a class of 5-6 year olds, then this is what it feels and looks like!