
hen harrier going for vole

Song Stories. Skydancer: Ghost Of The Moors

I was asked to compose a song for Hen Harrier Day Online in August 2020. I completed the task in April 2020 during the Covid 19 lockdown period with the hep of The Bridge Singers, who have recorded the song remotely in their own homes and sent their tracks to me for editing. Hopefully other […]

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May 2020 – Skydancing

The month has started with a new choir “lockdown video” and a new composition. Who knows what will happen during the rest of the month – hopefully something creative and something with other people!

5th April ruffly robin

Jumping Through Hoops: April 2020

As April begins we are all in isolation and who knows when we’ll be able to meet up again for music-making and the like. I am attempting to keep up the spirits of my choir with daily messages and musical projects, and hopefully I’ll compose something too!!!

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February 2020 – Bullfinch Morning

Fen=bruary starts with me just having completed the melody and lyrics for my new song Billfinch Morning. It will be premiered on 19th, so I must start the month by completing the arrangement for band and choir, and finish it having hopefully engineered an excellent performance!