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september banner

Singing In The Shower. September 2018

September starts with lots of cleaning, visits, birthdays, music still to finish, concerts to prepare for, hospital visits. One of the songs I am in the process of composing is called “Not The Kind Of Song You’d Sing In The Shower”. Follow its progress here in what is already a busy month.

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A Line In The Sand. August 2018

August marks the end of the old choir year and the beginning of the new, and I’m intending that it also marks in my mind a new start with the composing which I’ve struggled with in recent weeks. I have new songs to write for specific purposes so the foundations stones are there.

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July Camping

July will be dominated by the installation of a new kitchen and bathroom. It had already started in June and will continue through the entire month. Music has to be composed too. It simply has to be!

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Busy June: Here and There

June is going to busy. There’s composing to do, choirs to conduct, concerts to play and sing in, visitors from home and abroad to entertain, house renovations to endure, family birthdays to celebrate…I’d best get cracking then…