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Stuff Of The Day. January 2017

The fade-ins are done with after two years of daily music/photo combos, I’m branching out a bit to include more variety. There may be fade-ins amongst them, but we’ll see. January already has some exciting composing projects lined up. So keep watching!


December Fade-Ins

December’s usually all about Christmas performances for a musician and I don’t think this year will be any different. I shall also be embarking on another Musical Advent Calendar as I have for the last few years.


November Fade-Ins

November is officially the start of getting music ready for my choirs’ festive concerts, so there’ll be a lot of that on here this month. Hopefully I’ll get time for other musical activities as well. Tune in here and see!

sept pic

September Fade-Ins

Following on from a glorious month of plentiful but quiet activity, things are set to hot up and speed up in September with choirs restarting and workshops already booked, so hang on tight to these daily composer snippets to keep up!