Textures For the Common Man

things to know coplandThree listening and composing activities for youngsters using Copland’s Fanfare for The Common Man as inspiration.


1. Listening to Timbre and Texture

  • Listen to the track then draw and label all the instruments you can hear.
  • How many of each instrument can you hear?


  • The answers are: three trumpets, four horns, three trombones, one tuba, one set of timpani, a bass drum and a tam-tam.
  • Listen again and think about texture. Texture is how the instruments are put together. It starts with just percussion and silence. Then what happens?

A. copland instruments

  • Here are some answers: Sometimes it’s just one sound, sometimes it’s a few and sometimes everyone plays together. There are even times when no-one plays at all and there is silence.

things to know fanfares (2)2. Texture Map

  • Texture is about the thickness of music. How many instruments are playing at any one time? Are they playing similar music or are they completely independent?
  • Draw a texture map to show how the sounds are put together.


  • There is already a texture map of Fanfare for the Common Man here to help you get started. Maybe you could follow my texture map for the first minute, then draw your own for the second or third minute. You may find the timings different in your recording – you could adapt them on the chart!
  • Listen again to Copland’s music, this time following the texture map. What else does this texture map show?

Things To Know Common Man

  • The texture map shows the pitch and dynamics and how long the notes and phrases are.



3. Composing Using A Texture Map

  • Use the texture map as a musical score and compose your own music following the texture map, and using the instruments available.
  • Perhaps you could split into three groups and each group use a different part of the texture map, then join your pieces together.
  • Compare your pieces of music to Aaron Copland’s. List the things that are the same and the things that are different.
  • How could you improve your composition?

copland ending

  • By using dynamics, being and looking more confident, by not being afraid to take your time and exaggerate silences and dynamics…..
  • Improve your composition and perform it to another class.



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