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Consolidating November 2019

After a one-day session at the Hepworth at the beginning of November I have no more concerts or workshops during November so I’m hoping to consolidate all my new video catalogue marketing and maybe compose a couple of new things floating around in my head.

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September 2019: Twelve Of The Best

After a lot of pondering on approaches to take, I’ve plumped for “Twelve Of the Best” I shall produce video catalgues under particular heading. I did a trial one at the end of August using lullabies, and I shall continue to make more during September. There’ll be other news too, I’m sure!

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Musical Advent Calendar 2018

My annual Musical Advent Calendar has been going for a few years now, and seems to be popular with friends, family and a few people I don’t know too. here’s the latest version: festive music by me or at least in which I’ve had a hand and snippets of news as well!